Annual recess has started in District and Sessions Judges and all subordinate courts across the country. The holiday, which started on Thursday, will continue till December 31. The activities of the lower courts will be closed at this time. However, the proceedings of some of the concerned benches of the court will continue for the disposal of emergency cases.

Judge Al-Mamun of the Dhaka Women and Child Abuse Suppression Tribunal-6 has been given the responsibility of settling emergency cases as a vacation judge of the Dhaka District and Sessions Judge's Court. He will settle the emergency cases on December 20, 21, 27 and 28.

Besides, Judge KM Imrul Kayesh has been given the responsibility of disposing of emergency cases in the Dhaka Metropolitan Sessions Judge's Court. He will settle emergency cases on December 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29 during vacation.

However, specific magistrate courts, speedy trial tribunals and special judge courts across the country will be excluded from the scope of this holiday.