The future of the whole day cannot always be measured by looking at the morning. For example, seeing the onset of the corona virus in the nineteenth century did not make the poisonous bisque. Today marks the one year anniversary of the deadly new Corona. Who would have thought that the World Health Organization could even claim that the virus would claim millions of lives, cause an epidemic or a global epidemic? Irregularities can not change, this disorder has changed many rules of the world.

On December 31, 2019, China admitted for the first time that a number of people in its Hubei province were ill with an unknown disease; Some of them are serious. The authorities did not know what the disease was, but they saw signs that it was 'pneumonia-like'. The world after six days.

The health agency published a brief report on the outbreak on their website. As of January 3, 44 people had been diagnosed with an unknown cause of pneumonia from a seafood market in Wuhan, Hubei. The condition of 11 of them is critical. Earlier, Uhan has been shut down for disinfection since the 1st.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that the cause of the disease had not been identified. Later we found out that this is a new form of corona virus, SARS-COV-2, which has a book name. And this disease is called Covid-19.

The report made it clear that it would not be right to impose travel or trade bans on China right now because of the disease. Later, Westerners, particularly US President Donald Trump, repeatedly called the company a "Chinese puppet" and blamed it for spreading corona.

According to the same report, there is no evidence that the disease has spread from person to person, and no health worker has been infected. As we have seen, both ideas have been completely wrong. Hundreds of health workers, doctors died; We have seen the inhumanity of some people who did not even want to bury their dead, even after seeing the corpses of people. In all, more than eight crore people have been infected and about eighteen lakh have died.

It is known on the last day of nineteen, his name is Covid-19. But Corona has poisoned the whole of 2020. Ekushey will also have its effect. The virus has already been found in the UK in a genetic mutation that is more contagious and has spread to at least 22 countries, including India and Pakistan.

We have seen a concerted effort to create vaccines against coronavirus and at the same time competition or rivalry. In the meantime, Pfizer, a biotech and a modern ticker have been widely used in several countries. A vaccine from Oxford University is also possible. However, if the new strain of the virus behaves differently, it is difficult to say now what the future holds for these vaccines. Despite the claims of the concerned authorities, these vaccines are perfect to defeat the new look. But as I said at the beginning, the news of Bhatibela cannot be confirmed at dawn. Even after this people live in hope. Twenty-one should be the year of our liberation.