The country's economy is in the right place, in a good position, said Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal. "Our economy is in a much better position," he said. Which no one could have imagined. We believe this trend will continue.

He was responding to a question from reporters after a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Public Procurement chaired by the finance minister online on Wednesday.

We are in a good position, so there is nothing to be nervous about," he said. We believe this catch will continue.

Responding to a question from reporters, the finance minister said, "Our plan is that we have given the budget." The year 2020 will end in a few days. We are reviewing accordingly. According to the review, we will recast where we need to recast.

We are not disappointed yet. You will not find growth anywhere in the world. We are still maintaining growth on all indices. So this is the infinite mercy of Allah towards the people of this country.

AHM Mustafa Kamal said the revenue target for the fiscal year 2020-21 was set at Tk 3 lakh 30 thousand crore. The average growth rate was 10.20 percent in the last 5 fiscal years, which is 3.19 percent till November this year. Looks good there until November. But there are also challenges for Corona to achieve the target.