Police have recovered the body of a young man from under the bed of a relative's house in Chittagong. The body was recovered from a house in Teri Bazar Opium Alley of Kotwali Police Station on Saturday morning. The deceased was identified as Madhav Debnath. His home is in Comilla district. He was a craftsman in a gold shop at Hazarigali in the city and lived in a bachelor's house on the banks of the Laldighi.

The house from which Madhav's body was recovered belonged to his cousin Pintu Debnath. Pintu also worked in the same shop. Pintu, his wife, his two younger brothers and parents live in the house. According to the police, Madhav was killed by suffocation. Police have detained six people including Pintu for questioning in the incident.

Kotwali Police Officer-in-Charge Mohammad Mohsin said Pintu had called the police on Friday evening and informed that his cousin Madhav could not be found. Later, the locals informed the police that a stench was spreading from a house in Opium Alley. While searching for the source of the stench, the police accidentally recovered Madhab's body from under the bed of Pintu's house. Madhab's hands and feet were tied at that time. There were signs of suffocation in the throat.

The police official further said that it is believed that Madhab was killed after being called home. Because Pintu suspected that Madhav had an extramarital affair with his wife. The police official said that they were also investigating who was involved in the murder and how the murder took place.