Six teachers at Begum Rokeya University have expressed regret over the desecration of the national flag on the day of great victory. In a press message on Saturday (December 19) evening, they apologized for the unfortunate incident.

They said that on the occasion of the Great Victory Day-2020 on Wednesday, December 16, some pictures taken by the teachers at the Swadhinata Smarak premises on the campus of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur have caused criticism all over the country. We are ashamed and shocked by the negative attitude of the people towards the universities and teachers of our lives. We sincerely regret the unintentional, unwelcome and unwelcome incident with our red-green flag acquired in exchange for the blood of millions of martyrs.

As part of a limited program organized by the university administration on the occasion of the Great Victory Day due to the epidemic Covid-19, various departments / departments and organizations paid homage to the Independence Day from 10 am. At the end of the tribute, at about 10.30 am, about 20-25 teachers, who were leaving the premises of the Independence Memorial, took pictures with the red-green symbol or memorial. Although it looked like a flag, it was not an official flag. Moreover, the teachers stood there noticing it well while taking pictures.

Meanwhile, there was no program to commemorate the independence with the national flag at the event organized by the university administration. Many people across the country are shocked by this issue and are criticizing it through social media. None of us did this on purpose and it is not desirable for the flag of our emotions to be discredited in any way. We apologize again for this unexpected event.