Strict restrictions have been imposed in Sydney, Australia's most populous city. Sydney has become an isolated city after a new ‘cluster’ of coronavirus infections was identified. All other states and territories in the country have imposed travel bans on Sydney residents.

The BBC reports that a five-day lockdown has already been imposed in the northern coastal areas of the country. Sydney residents have been asked to stay home. City residents have been told to stay home for the Christmas holidays.

The state of Victoria has already closed its border with Greater Sydney. Anyone entering has to deal with a 14-day quarantine.

Don't come here," said The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in a stern response to Sydney residents. If they come, they must stay in quarantine for 14 days.

The ACT Health Department said, ‘If you are not a resident of ACT and if you live in greater Sydney ... then our message to you is very simple, do not come on an ACT trip.

The states of Victoria and Queensland and the Northern Territory have imposed travel bans on people from Sydney since Monday, Reuters reported.

That's why Queensland police are setting up checkpoints at the New South Wales state border. Sydney is the capital of the state of New South Wales.

The state of South Australia has imposed a 14-day quarantine on all people coming from Sydney since Sunday. And people in the area where the new cluster has appeared in Sydney have been banned from traveling.

The island nation of Tasmania has taken similar action since Saturday. Western Australia has closed its borders.

Residents in other parts of the state of New South Wales except Sydney will now have to show extra paperwork for travel. They do not live in the newly affected area where it should be written.