The miscreants stole 7 skeletons from two graveyards at night in Palash, Narsingdi. The theft of the skeleton took place on Tuesday night from the social cemetery and Islampara cemetery in Kazirchar village of Danga union of the upazila.

According to police and locals, people from 5 to 6 nearby villages were buried in the social graveyard of Kazirchar village in Danga union. The cemetery is located in a secluded place on one side of the village. The cemetery had lighting but no guards.

On Wednesday morning, the locals went to the graveyard and saw some graves being dug. Later, when they informed the people of the cemetery committee, they came and found 6 graves dug. There were no skeletons in the graves. Meanwhile, at Islampara cemetery and in the morning, the locals saw the news. From there and at some point in the night, the miscreants stole the skeletons.

Palash police officer in charge (OC) Sheikh. Nasir Uddin said seven skeletons were stolen from two cemeteries at night. The corner has taken the head or the foot. Again, the whole skeleton of which has been taken away. Visiting the scene. Being sued. Legal action will be taken subject to investigation.