Md. From Begumganj area of ​​Noakhali. The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB-4) has arrested a youth named Kamrul Hasan alias Shamim (27). The RAB claimed that the arrested youth was a serial rapist. Various offensive and obscene videos and pictures of 14 women were found in the secret Google Drive of her mobile phone.

RAB-4 operations officer senior ASP. Sajedul Islam informed about the matter. He said, on the basis of intelligence information, an expedition team of RAB-4 from the Begumganj area of ​​Noakhali on Tuesday infamous serial rapist and extortionist Md. Kamrul Hasan alias Shamim Khan has been arrested.

Citing interrogation of the arrested accused, RAB said that his profession and addiction is to join various travel groups on Facebook and from there target a well-to-do, unhappy and slightly older woman.

Then by tempting in different ways to create intimate relationship with the opportunity of weakness to visit different tourist locations in Bangladesh. Later there are various offensive pictures, videos of intimate moments with various false temptations.

At the end of the day, after going to work or home, the fear starts. The arrested youth spread various videos and pictures on social media and leaked them to his close relatives, threatening to seize everything from money to gold and jewelery.

He then took control of the victim's Facebook account and device and demanded money from the victim's acquaintances, threatening to keep him under constant pressure.

According to the RAB, during the preliminary interrogation, the arrested person confessed to his deeds. Various offensive and obscene videos and pictures of 14 women were found in the secret Google Drive of his mobile phone.

The RAB also said that a case has been filed against the arrested accused under the Pornography and Digital Security Act.