He did not campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood following government orders. As a result, Saudi Arabia fired 100 imams and preachers of Islam. After the matter became known, there was anger among the common people but everyone is silent for fear of getting angry with the government.

According to the Middle East Monitor, a directive was issued last month by Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

It states, ‘Members of the Muslim Brotherhood are teaching wrong in the name of Islam. Trying to create division in society. That is why every Imam and Islamic preacher in the country is being instructed to preach against them. Every Friday after the Friday prayers, the general public should be made aware of the purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is necessary to highlight the nature of how the organization wants to use religion for its own benefit. People should also be informed that they are trying to establish their own party interests instead of conveying the true teachings of Islam to the people. 

Despite government directives, 100 imams and Islamic preachers from Mecca and al-Qasim refused to slander the Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned in Saudi Arabia in 2014. As a result, the Saudi government announced their dismissal. As a result, they will no longer be able to speak at religious ceremonies and meetings.