The pot of power has now changed in the United States. Donald Trump is handing over power to newly elected President Joe Biden on January 20. Naturally, some changes are expected in US foreign policy. However, Russia is not in the team of optimists.

Sergei Ryabkov, the country's foreign minister, said Biden did not have much hope.

We are certainly not expecting anything that could be good," the state minister told Interfax on Wednesday. It would not be right to expect anything from their people. They always live with fear of Russia.

Although most heads of state congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in the November 3 election, it took Russia almost a month to receive Putin's congratulations. President Putin sent a congratulatory message to Biden shortly after his victory in the Electoral College vote in the middle of this month.

In his congratulatory message, Putin promised to cooperate with Biden in doing something good, but the Russian foreign minister said they were ready to get the bad from Biden. Because those who are coming to the future administration of the United States have only grown up with the fear of Russia.