A Rohingya drug dealer was killed in a 'gunfight' with the RAB in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar. The 'gunfight' took place in the hilly area of ​​Lathorghona in Huaikeng Union of the upazila at midnight on Monday.

Two RAB members were injured in the 'gunfight'. Although the name of the deceased was not immediately known, RAB said that he was a Rohingya drug dealer. 10,000 yaba, three quarter pants and three rounds of ammunition were recovered from the spot.

ASP Shah Alam, in-charge of RAB-15's Huaikeng camp in Cox's Bazar, said a RAB team went to Lothorghona hill after receiving information about the smuggling of yaba. Sensing the presence of RAB, the drug dealers fired at the RAB. The drug dealers fled when the RAB fired back in self-defense. Yaba, weapons and a body were later recovered from the spot. The case is being prepared.

Officer-in-charge of Teknaf Model Police Station OC Hafizur Rahman said the bullet-riddled body was sent to the morgue of Cox's Bazar Medical College Hospital for autopsy.