Closed flights, stopped bus-truck-train wheels, roads are empty due to restrictions, empty restaurants, markets, offices are also eating away. Even personal freedom has been stolen. The state has banned people from leaving the house. However, if you need to go out, you have to wear a mask, gloves, and antiseptic sanitizer. Can't shake hands with anyone, must be at least three feet away. Due to the Corona epidemic, the whole of human society has gone through such horrific days from the end of February to most of the months of March and April. And this time it has introduced people all over the world with a special word ‘lockdown’.

Oddly enough, the deadly corona virus has spread to all continents except Antarctica, Asia to Africa, Australia to Oceania and Europe to America. Beyond China, which has originated in Europe, the Middle East, and America, the onslaught of death has begun. As a result, the continents seemed to be literally isolated in order to protect their people from external influences. It was as if the walls had risen unwrittenly in every country. Air, water and land borders were closed, and commercial communication was suspended. In such a situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Covid-19 disease caused by the corona virus as a global epidemic. Which further increased the panic in different countries.

If you look at the newspapers of the month of March and April, you can see how a scary atmosphere spread around Corona all over the world. The whole of Europe was once blocked by the imposition of a lockdown on the escalation of infection. At first, the country's government declared the whole of Italy a blockade zone in the wake of the rise in infections and deaths. Gradually, other European countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Denmark, began to impose lockdowns. The transition situation in the United States was not as fragile as it is now. As a result, the Donald Trump administration took responsibility for imposing a travel ban on Europe. But by the end of March, the situation was reversed. By April, the United States had overtaken all other countries in the world. As a result, they too were forced to impose lockdowns across the country.

The situation in Asia was also fragile at that time. Because of this virus, China is already almost isolated from the rest of the world. The blockade is almost in place in South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. In it, India announced a visa ban for citizens of all countries. Unarrival visas and flights to many countries are canceled. Considering the situation, Bangladesh also stopped unarrival visas for citizens of several countries including Italy and China. Iran, on the other hand, is virtually isolated from the rest of the world because of the dire situation in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has banned the travel of citizens of several countries to prevent the spread of the virus. Apart from this, the countries of Australia-Oceania and Africa tried to control the situation by imposing lockdown across the country. Sports events starting from the global conference were also canceled.

However, when the situation started to get under control in June-July, various countries started lifting lockdowns. From mid-June, the lockdown started in European countries. In addition, the tightening of the lockdown in Asia and the Americas. Middle Eastern countries also began to open borders. However, due to the strictness of the health regulations, the aviation was closed in different countries for a long time. As a result, workers going from one country to another are in serious trouble.