One person dies every 10 minutes from coronavirus in Los Angeles, USA. More than 20,000 people are being attacked in the city every day in the last seven days. Experts have started data analysis and testing to identify whether it is a new type of corona.

More than 150 people died and more than 30,000 were injured in the Corona in Los Angeles on Saturday alone. Earlier in the day, 148 people died in Corona on Christmas Day. This is by far the highest death toll in a single day in Los Angeles. The highest death toll on Thursday was 146.

In a statement, Los Angeles County Health Director Barbara Ferreira said the deaths of more than 150 people in a single day were "extremely painful.

After a new type of coronavirus mutation was recently identified in Britain, British scientists claim that the new type of corona has been detected in areas where the infection has increased significantly.

The rate of infection is much higher in Los Angeles, so scientists are working hard to identify whether new strains of the corona have spread to the region.

Los Angeles County Health Director Barbara Ferreira said the lab was already collecting samples from local infected people to study the gene sequence of the virus. The results of this study will be known after seven days.

The worst disaster since the start of the Corona epidemic is now in California, beyond New York. So far, about 10,000 people have died in Corona in Los Angeles, and the number of victims has risen to about 6 million. The death toll in California as a whole is 24,000. California is the first state to cross the 2 million mark. As the number of patients increases, so does the number of hospital admissions and deaths. The hospital is already bedless. Health officials fear the death toll could rise further after the just-concluded Christmas and the upcoming English New Year festivities.