On the occasion of the Great Victory Day, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina sent fruits and sweets as gifts to the war-wounded freedom fighters and the families of the martyred freedom fighters at the Muktijoddha Rehabilitation Center in Mohammadpur.

On Wednesday morning, Assistant Private Secretary to the Prime Minister Gazi Hafizur Rahman Liku and Assistant Press Secretary ABM Sarwar-e-Alam Sarkar handed over the gifts to the war-wounded freedom fighters on behalf of the Prime Minister.

The family members of the war-wounded freedom fighters and martyred freedom fighters expressed their gratitude to the Prime Minister for commemorating them on every state day and festival such as Independence Day, Victory Day, Holy Eid and Bengali New Year.

The freedom fighters and their family members expressed deep concern over the recent desecration of the portrait of Bangabandhu as well as the efforts of the new Razakars. They expressed their firm resolve to resist any anti-state activities, including terrorist activities in the name of religion, from the soil of independent Bangladesh at any cost. They called upon the successors of the freedom fighters and future generations to lead in this regard.

The family members of the war wounded freedom fighters and martyred freedom fighters wished the Prime Minister good health and long life.