Allama Noor Hossain Qasemi, Secretary General of Hefazat-e-Islam, is no more. (Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun). He died at the ICU of United Hospital in the capital at around 1:15 pm today. His press secretary Mufti Munir Ahmed confirmed the information.

Allama Noor Hossain Qasemi, who was suffering from various diseases, was undergoing treatment in the ICU of United Hospital for several days. Prominent scholars of the country have expressed their grief over his death.

Nur Hossain Qasemi was the founder and principal of Jamia Madania Madrasa in Baridhara. He was also associated with many other madrassas based in Qaumi. He was also the senior vice-president of the Qawmi Madrasa Board of Education, Befaqul Madarisili Arabia. He was recently elected Secretary General of Hefazat-e-Islam.