Hefazat-e-Islam's current Amir Junaid Babungari for the organization's founder Amir Shah Ahmad Shafi's brother-in-law. Moinuddin said, if he is not guilty then why he is so afraid of the case. He said this at a counter press conference at Chittagong Press Club on Saturday on the issue of Ahmed Shafi's death. Moinuddin also demanded execution as a punishment for Babungari if found guilty in the investigation.

At a press conference at Hathazari Madrasa on Wednesday, Babungari called for the withdrawal of the case filed on behalf of the family, claiming that Ahmed Shafi had died a natural death.

Saturday's press conference. Moinuddin said a case has been filed in the court. The PBI has been given the responsibility of investigation. The culprits will be identified in the investigation. If not guilty, you will be released. But Junaid Babungari Gangra is threatening to withdraw the case.

If they are innocent, why are we being threatened so much to withdraw our case?" We are protesting the threat, as well as appealing to the government to expedite the disposal of the case under the Judiciary Act.

Moinuddin said, "If Babungari is innocent, then we have no anger or pride." But if he is guilty, I demand his punishment.

Everyone knows what happened at Hathazari Madrasa from September 16 to September 19," he said. Junaid has preached live all over the Babungari Madrasa through online TV called Qaumi Vision. Everyone has seen how Ahmed Shafi's room was vandalized and looted at that time.

In the presence of Maulana Nasir Uddin Munir, Mir Idris, Maulana Shahidullah, Enamul Hasan and Junaid Babungari, Ahmad Shafi was forced to resign from the post of Director General of Hathazari Madrasa. His brother-in-law Moinuddin filed a case against 36 people in the court on December 17 in connection with the death of Ahmed Shafi.