Over the past few months, there have been several major attacks in Afghanistan led by IS-KP (Islamic State-Khorasan province). That being said, the organization is slowly moving forward in Afghanistan.

One of the biggest recent attacks in Afghanistan has been the capture of the main prison in Jalalabad's Nangarhar province by militants. Where clashes between security forces and militants continued for 20 hours, it was possible to bring the prison under control.

Although it was later revealed that at least 100 militants were able to escape safely after the clashes.

IS-KP is a branch of ISIS operating in Afghanistan, the report said. Who is also known as Korasan. They are trying to establish a caliphate. They later claimed responsibility for the attack. They also launched a number of propaganda campaigns to reinforce this demand.

However, the Afghan government is not heeding the demands of IS-KP. The government claims that IS-KP is working to mask the Taliban and the Haqqani Network (HQN) in Afghanistan.

According to the government, the Taliban and the Haqqani network are conducting attacks in the guise of IS-KP. So that they can deny involvement in the attacks. They do not want to add their own names. In addition, a large number of organizations have infiltrated IS-KP.

The report says the Afghan government's claim is not entirely inactive. Authorities say the Afghan government has enough evidence to support the idea that they are not IS KP.