The whole world knows about the inhuman mentality of North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong Un. Another of his notoriety was recently revealed by the American organization 'Committee for Human Rights in North Korea'.

The Washington-based human rights group also tried to prove the allegations by showing satellite images. However, North Korea is reluctant to accept such allegations.

The British media The Sun published a report on Monday.

According to a report released by them, the economic crisis in North Korea has intensified amid the Corona outbreak. As a result, many people are trying to flee the country. But Kim Jong Un's direct surveillance of the North Korean border is not fulfilling anyone's wishes. On the contrary, those citizens are being arrested and forced to keep pigs. They are being made to work so hard that they are losing their lives in a few days. Then their dead bodies are buried in the soil to make organic manure and flowers are being cultivated with it.

An expert from the U.S. agency analyzed the satellite image and claimed that there was a camp called The Changsan, 30 miles from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. There, Kim Jong Un's administration is inhumanely torturing people who want to flee the country. Not only that, pigs are being forcibly reared with those prisoners. And after the death of those people who are working hard, their dead bodies are being made by burying organic soil. Which is being sent to the red azalea flower garden.