Palestinian resistance groups have launched a joint exercise since yesterday. Twelve Palestinian resistance groups took part. This is the first military exercise by all Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza. Apart from flying drones, rockets and missiles were also fired during the exercise.

The most important resistance organizations that have taken part in it are Hamas, the jihad movement, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Palestinian People's Resistance Committee. Besides, other smaller organizations have also joined the exercise. The exercise was organized in preparation for a war against Israel, according to the office of the organization, which conducts joint operations by Palestinian resistance groups.

Observers say the exercise is important over time. The Palestinians have launched a joint military exercise at a time when some Arab countries, with US support, have taken steps to normalize diplomatic relations with occupying Israel. So the exercise is being seen as a special message for Israel and its Arab allies, and that is that the Palestinians are waking up to their own security and border security.

Abu Hamza, a spokesman for the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, said the exercise was in preparation for defending the Palestinian people.

Another reason for the importance of this joint military exercise by the Palestinian resistance fighters is that the Palestinian Authority is once again negotiating with the occupying Israel and preparing to cooperate with Israel on security issues. Therefore, one of the messages of this exercise is that the Palestinian resistance fighters are not only opposed to negotiating with Israel, but also want to strengthen their resistance against Israel.

In this regard, Abu Hamza added, "This joint military exercise is a symbol of unity among the Palestinians. Today's resistance to the enemy has become stronger than ever and we will not allow the enemies to divide us any more.

The third important aspect of this joint Palestinian exercise is that the anniversary of the martyrdom of Qasem Solaimani, the commander of Iran's Quds Force, is very close. On January 3 this year, General Solaimani and eight others, including Iraq's Hashad al-Shabir, were killed in a US drone strike near Baghdad airport. Therefore, the Palestinian fighters who took part in the exercise have pledged to continue following the path of the martyrs. They have replaced pictures of Solaimani on various streets in Gaza, which read, "Solaimani is the martyr of the Temple Mount."

However, in the end, although the military strength of the fighting Palestinians is much weaker than that of Israel, this joint military exercise and their united position has made the Israelis tremble. That is why Israel is on high alert as soon as the exercise begins in Gaza.