In the last four years, the Trump administration has imposed 15,000 sanctions on Iran on various issues. Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takhte Ravanchi made the remarks at a Security Council meeting on Tuesday.

He emphasized that the renegotiation of the nuclear deal, signed in 2015, was "completely unacceptable." After lengthy negotiations, the two sides agreed on a number of conditions and a nuclear deal.

Now any offer to re-evaluate or renegotiate this agreement cannot be acceptable to Iran. Such a move would be in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Iranian envoy made it clear that Tehran would not discuss its ballistic missile program with anyone and that no arrogant power could intimidate Iran. Majid Takhte Ravanchi said any attempt to change the historic deal in the future would fail.

The Iranian diplomat added that the United States had imposed more than 15,000 sanctions on Iran in the past four years, but that the European Union had failed miserably in its commitment to implementing the nuclear deal.

While Iran is fighting hard against the coronavirus epidemic, Europe has not done its duty, but Europe has cooperated in implementing the sanctions imposed by the United States as part of its destructive arrogant policy.