Noting that Jatiya Party founder Hussain Muhammad Ershad cannot be called an dictator, party chairman GM Quader said, "Ershad did not seize power by force; Power was transferred to him.

He was speaking as the chief guest at a Jatiya Tarun Party representative meeting at the Jatiya Party (JPA) chairman's Banani office auditorium at noon on Saturday (December 26).

The JPA chairman further said, "Ershad was not removed from power, he handed over power legally. Although Ershad was called an autocrat, no one was able to highlight his authoritarian activities.

He said, "Ershad handed over the state power constitutionally as per the outline of the three alliances as a legitimate head of state as per the verdict of the high court." He can never be called an dictator. The Jatiya Party was not allowed to campaign in the 1991 elections. Jatiya Party leaders and activists including Hussain Muhammad Ershad were kept in jail. According to the outline of the three alliances, dishonesty has been done with the Jatiya Party. Even then, the imprisoned Ershad was twice elected in five seats. Ershad did not lose any election. This proves that Ershad is a popular leader.

Complaining that there is no treatment for coronavirus (Kovid-19) for the common people in the country, GM Quader said, although there are some treatments in some of the big hospitals in the capital, it is safe to say that there is no treatment for coronavirus patients at district and upazila level. There are treatments for Kovid-19 patients in several private hospitals in the capital, but they are very expensive. 90% of the people of the country cannot afford treatment in these private hospitals.

Convener of the National Youth Party. Jatiya Party Secretary General Ziauddin Ahmed Bablu also spoke at the inaugural function of the House of Representatives chaired by Zakir Hossain Mridha and chaired by Member Secretary Moral Ziaur Rahman.