Amid rising tensions in West Asia, Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has claimed that his organization has been able to double its missile capabilities within a year. Not only that, they did not allow any Israeli tactics to work to prevent the missiles from falling into their hands.

Lebanese Hezbollah leader Nasrallah said in an interview with a TV channel that the terrorist organization Hezbollah now has full power to attack Israel and occupy territory.

He added that Israel, backed by the United States, had threatened to attack Hezbollah's stronghold in East Bankas. If Israel has any such problems, they are ready to retaliate.

In the four-hour interview, the Hezbollah leader added that they were very skeptical about the last days of US President Donald Trump's rule. Iran and its allies have also hinted at taking old revenge together.

Israel has recently said that Hezbollah is trying to set up a missile construction facility. But Israel is no less powerful. Can crush their enemy at any time. In this situation, there may be various indications of this face-to-face threat. It could also be a premonition of a major conflict in the future.