US President Donald Trump will not start a war with Iran at the end of his term.

Don Deber, a well-known American journalist and political analyst, said this in an interview with Iran's Press TV.

War with Iran means war with Russia and Trump does not want war with Russia," he said. If the CIA or the Pentagon starts a war with Iran now, the responsibility will fall on Trump.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday warned against any possible aggression by Trump, saying Donald Trump should be held accountable for any such move.

President Trump has blamed Iran for a series of rocket attacks on the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif then issued the warning.

There have been several rocket attacks on our embassy in Baghdad," Donald Trump said in a Twitter post. Three rockets failed to launch. Guess where they came from - 'Iran'.

The U.S. embassy in Baghdad was hit by a rocket attack on Sunday, and Donald Trump made the remarks in a Twitter post. In response, Zarif said such allegations against Iran were insane and that the picture that Donald Trump had published was worthless.