BGB Director General (DG) Major General. Safinul Islam said, "In order to bring border killings to zero, the people of the border areas must be improved economically and through education.

He was responding to a question from reporters after paying homage to the martyrs of the Liberation War on the occasion of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Day on Sunday morning.

The BGB DG said, "We are discussing border killings with both the countries. We are negotiating diplomatically to bring the border killing quota to zero. Besides, efforts are being made to make the people of the border areas aware through various means so that they do not enter the border area illegally.

He said, "Even if BOP can be set up in unprotected places, it is possible to control various crimes including murder at the border." To bring border killings to zero, the people on the border need to be improved economically and through education.

Earlier, the regimental flag was hoisted at the BGB headquarters at Pilkhana at 9 am.

Regarding the celebration of the day, the BGB DG said that every time BGB Day is celebrated with great pomp. This year we are celebrating the day on a limited scale due to the Corona situation.

Regarding the success of BGB, he said that at present the whole world has moved forward in the direction of technology. With that Bangladesh is also moving forward. In order to take BGB forward with technology, it is necessary to install modern technology in the force. In addition, all BGB members need technological training and education.