The use of digital media is increasing. With this, cyber crime is increasing. The CID's Cyber ​​Police Center (CPC) receives about 800 complaints a day. Fraud, threats, hacking, pornography, money laundering by spreading videos of sexual relations - such allegations are coming minute by minute. The cyber police center officials say that the most common allegations of fraud and sexual harassment are coming. Women are the biggest victims of cyber crime. They are often harassed online.

The victims are lodging complaints at the cyber police center via email, Facebook or emoji.

Then the intelligence branch of the cyber police center investigates the issues at the field level. In this regard, CID SP (Cyber ​​Intelligence) said. Rezaul Masood said, ‘The victims are complaining through various means. The allegations are taken into account and action is taken.

According to the Cyber ​​Police Center, a man named Abir of Munshiganj has complained to the Cyber ​​Police Center that an MLM company had swindled Tk 10 lakh from him in the name of selling goods to him. The company opened an office in Louhjong area of ​​Munshiganj three months ago. They locked the office in the first week of November and fled. Cyber ​​police center officials are investigating the matter.

A woman named Ruma (pseudonym) complained that she had an affair with a classmate named Sumon. Relationships roll at one time physical stage. Sumon seduces her in the name of marriage and has sexual intercourse. He alleges he was cheated on by his classmates. CPC officials are investigating the allegations.

A man named Aziz complained that he fell into the trap of a marriage media. Go to a marriage media office in Gulshan through one person. He went there and saw a beautiful woman sitting there. She was introduced to the elder sister of the bride. It is said that his sister is an Australian citizen. He will return to the country by December. He will also be taken to Australia. The pot has been their choice. That is why they want one lakh rupees from the pot to set up in Australia. Aziz gave the money in good faith. After paying the money, the woman's number was blocked. The marriage media organization also says that they have also been cheated by the woman. CPC officials are investigating the matter. According to CPC sources, financial fraud in CPC. There are more allegations of fraud, especially in e-commerce and online product sales. There are also allegations of fraud in the name of MLM company. Complaints are coming, cheating in the name of giving jobs. There are allegations of extortion for fear of spreading videos of sexual relations through social media. The CPC has also received numerous allegations of fraud perpetrated by a group of NGOs and human rights groups across the country. Moreover, on social media Facebook, there have been allegations of embezzling money from many in the name of sending gifts from abroad in the guise of friends. This cycle is again airport-centric.

According to sources, allegations of fraud in the name of sending manpower abroad are coming to the CPC. Some of the victims have also complained against the company, thinking that the coroner's certificate is suspicious. Victims are also complaining to the CPC about a nationwide scam being perpetrated by an influential person in the name of APS, MPs, secretaries and the police. There have also been allegations of cheating in the name of marriage.

Sources said that with the advancement of technology, multifaceted fraud has increased. Most of the allegations coming to the CPC have been victims of technical fraud. Some of the allegations are not cognizant.