The United Arab Emirates' top Islamic authority has allowed Muslims to accept corona vaccine containing pork gelatin. Gelatin is a common ingredient in ticks.

Recently, the question has arisen, if the gelatin of pigs is used in the vaccine, can Muslims use it? Because according to Islamic law, pigs, products made from them are considered haram.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayaz, chairman of the council, said it would not be haraam to vaccinate pigs against corona if there was no alternative. Because in this case saving human life is the most important.

The council said the whole world is now under threat due to the highly contagious virus. Several vaccines have already been shown to be effective in preventing the spread of the dreaded virus. Pig gelatin used in vaccines is being considered as medicine; Not food.

The UAE government said on Wednesday that a senior citizen and a health worker had been vaccinated against the corona virus in the country by administering the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine.

The United Arab Emirates is made up of 7 emirates, including the capital Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Emergency vaccinations were approved in the country on Tuesday (December 22nd). According to the country's state news agency WAM, the shipment of vaccines arrived in the UAE from abroad on the same day.

Vaccination activities have started in Dubai with Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine. The Dubai media office confirmed the information with a picture of a woman and a man receiving the vaccine.

In the first phase, vaccines will be given to young people over 60 years of age, young people suffering from complex diseases, specially employed frontliners and other important officers and employees.