After Britain, a new strain (species) of coronavirus was found in the body of a patient in Italy. The country's health ministry confirmed this on Sunday.

According to the Italian Ministry of Health, a few days ago, an attacker from Britain and his partner returned to Italy. They first landed at Fumicino Airport in Rome. For the time being they are kept in isolation.

This new species of coronavirus was first discovered in Britain. This species is spreading faster than before. The British administration is struggling to handle the situation.

Boris Johnson's government has announced new lockdowns in south-east England and London. The new species has caused panic in Europe.

Many European countries have already banned all flights from Britain. Belgium, the Netherlands have canceled all flights to Britain. Belgium has closed the British border.

Germany is going to take the same path as a precaution so that the infection does not spread again. Experts believe they could also cancel all British flights as a new species of corona enters Italy.

Saudi Arabia on Sunday suspended all international flights to Britain following reports of a new species. Passengers from Europe or any other country will have to stay in seclusion for two weeks, they said. They also have to undergo corona test. Along with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait has also imposed a ban on British passenger planes.

This new species of corona was found in south-east England last September. From there the species spread to other parts of the country and at a very fast pace.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the new species of corona can spread 70 per cent more infections than before. He also expressed fears that this could reach a very serious stage. The British administration is already struggling to cope with this new species.

Scientists say this mutation in the corona is not surprising. They claim that the coronavirus has been shown to have mutations more than a thousand times since it was discovered.