The entire team returned to Dhaka after the World Cup qualifiers, but Bangladesh captain Jamal Bhuiyan stayed in Qatar to travel with his family.

Jamal was negative in the Corona Test before and after the December 4 qualifier against Qatar. But another test identified corona in his body.

The Qatar Football Association immediately took him into isolation. The Bangladesh captain, who was in quarantine at a hotel there, was worried about playing for Kolkata Mohammedan in the Indian I-League. For now, that fear is gone.

The Bangladesh Football Federation said in a press release on Sunday that Jamal Bhuiyan had failed the Kavid test.

Jamal will return to Dhaka in a few days. Then he is going to Kolkata to play I-League. Corona-free Jamal is now waiting to enter the field.

The midfielder is scheduled to play in the jersey of Indian club Mohammedan till next April. He will then play in the second leg of the Bangladesh Premier League for old club Saif Sporting. All this is stated in the tripartite agreement.