China has reacted sharply to remarks by British Foreign Secretary Dominic Robb about 12 Hong Kong nationals arrested by Chinese police while fleeing Taiwan. The country has also called for an end to London's interference in China's internal affairs.

Last August, 12 democrats were arrested by Chinese police in the waters off the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen while fleeing to Taiwan. Their trial has begun after three months of detention.

Expressing concern over the matter on Monday, he said an attempt was made to hold a secret trial in Shenzhen against the 12 people arrested. He called on China to "administer justice fairly and transparently." News G5

In response to his remarks, the Chinese embassy claimed on Tuesday that the trial had been made public in the Yantian People's Court in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

The embassy called Rab's remarks "distorted". They called on the UK Government to adhere to the basic principles governing international law and international relations. It also called for an end to interference in Hong Kong's affairs, China's internal affairs and China's judicial sovereignty.

Earlier, the US embassy in Beijing called for the release of the detainees. At the time, they said, they were fleeing to escape persecution. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Washington had ignored the issue and mixed up right and wrong.