Before the end of the year, Croatia is facing another big disaster. Many casualties are expected in Tuesday's quake. The magnitude of the tremor was 6.4 on the Richter scale. The quake was felt all over Croatia. The quake affected neighboring Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and southern Austria.

The epicenter was reported 46 kilometers southeast of Zagreb, Croatia. Earlier on Monday, the first earthquake in the region. After that, Croatia trembled again on this day. Most of the houses here have been reduced to rubble. The quake struck early in the morning. Many people were asleep at that time. The death of a daughter has been reported so far, but the number is expected to rise further. Many were injured.

Meanwhile, a video of the devastating earthquake has been shared on Twitter. Which many people have already seen. And panic has been created among the people. The video shows parts of the broken house scattered here and there. Many people have seen the video of this terrible earthquake and said that the last bite was taken by 2020.