The coronavirus is constantly changing its form. New types of viruses are being discovered. Another new feature virus has recently been found in the UK; The virus came from South Africa.

The country was diagnosed with the new virus on Tuesday, authorities said on Thursday, citing authorities.

The UK's health minister, Matt Hancock, said the country had been diagnosed with a new coronavirus that had infected two people.

The two men, who were attacked in London and north-west England, came in contact with people who had visited South Africa. New features of the virus were discovered in South Africa. The United Kingdom has imposed a travel ban on South Africa following the incident.

Authorities say those who have traveled or come in contact with South Africa in the past 14 days have been instructed to go to quarantine immediately.

According to the BBC, the virus with this new feature has some similarities with another virus with a new feature previously identified in the UK, although each has evolved separately.

I think the virus that we should be most concerned about right now is the South African virus," said Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College London.

The virus has already caused widespread concern in South Africa. The country's health minister, Joelly Machij, warned that young people, who had previously been in good health, were also becoming increasingly ill.

I will not be able to go through the same situation as I did at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic," he said.

Scientists in South Africa say this feature or variant of the virus is "spreading rapidly" and that infections are more prevalent in many parts of the country.