When is the coronavirus vaccine? The whole world was waiting for the answer to this one question. After several plans and trials, corona vaccination has finally started in many European countries since last Sunday.

This is the light of hope for the rest of the world. A South German pilot celebrated the coroner's vaccine in a fancy way. In mid-air he flew the plane and tied his journey in the shape of a syringe.

The German pilot's name is Sammy Kramer. The 20-year-old pilot flew a blue-and-white diamond DA20 with a propeller plane from Fyderhafen to Ulme. In just over an hour, he covered 200 kilometers. At an altitude of 5,000 feet, he made a 70-kilometer-long path in the shape of a sergeant. This video of hers is now viral.

Sammy's campaign is to make people more aware of Pfizer's corona vaccine. He says many are still opposed to corona vaccination. But my reputation is for reminding them that the coronavirus vaccine has brought us a message of relief. Our aviation industry has suffered a major setback for Corona.