A 25-year-old girl gave birth to her sister in her womb! Surprisingly, the incident is true. And a British girl named Kate gave birth to this surprising event. The report was published in the Daily Mail, a popular news outlet in the United Kingdom.

In the beginning, Kate was hesitant to call her sister her daughter or sister as she gave birth in her womb. He later corrected himself and addressed the girl as his sister. "They live in Wales, England," she wrote. There his mother Faye was married. In that family, Hannah (27) and Harry (22) are three siblings. At one stage, their father did not inquire about the family, so the mother was under great pressure. At that time their mother was 36 years old.

Running a family and raising children; All in all, Kate's family needed someone to support her. The time is 2006. Andrew, 33, was introduced to their mother, Faye. Kate's mother fell in love with her. Within a month their engagement was over. Kate also mentioned that they got married a year later.

 Kate added that their stepfather, Andrew, worked for the Forces. After marriage he became restless to be the father of a child. Kate's mother was also expecting a small face. But even after Ma Faye became pregnant, nothing was happening. After several miscarriages, the family became depressed. Meanwhile, when Kate was in her 20s, she unexpectedly became pregnant. Gave birth to a child. Meanwhile, her mother Faye's attempt to give birth to a child again remained elusive.

Seeing the frustration of the mother and father, Kate advised them to rent the womb. Said, you can freeze your eggs and try again. Kate later proposed to her mother that she was her mother in her womb

The step-parents want to contain the embryo created from Andrew's ovum. A child she wants to give birth to for her mother.

After repeated attempts, Kate became pregnant in February. Her sister's embryo is growing in her womb from the eggs of her mother and stepfather. Then a daughter was born. His name was Willow. The incident is now in the news in England.