Sixty percent of France people do not like President Emmanuel Macho and Prime Minister Jean Cassack. That's according to a recent online survey.

The French media Daily Sabah reported that the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) conducted the survey. One thousand 936 people took part in the survey. They are 18 years of age or older.

According to the survey, 60 percent of the country's people are dissatisfied with President Makho. In addition, 59 percent of French people are dissatisfied with the country's Prime Minister Jean-Caucasus.

The president's office said last Thursday that Emanuel Makhon Corona was positive. He has been in quarantine ever since. Ellis Palace said in a statement that Macro's condition had improved slightly. Macro quickly underwent PCR testing soon after corona symptoms.

According to a survey conducted by IFOP, the popularity of macho has dropped from 38 percent to three percent this December. In addition, the popularity of the Prime Minister Cassex has dropped from 37 percent to two percent.

A survey conducted last November found that seven out of 10 people do not trust the French government to prevent coronavirus. In addition, the French consider the government's move to deal with Corona inconsistent.