Three young women and a teenager have escaped from a safe home in Faridpur. The incident took place on Friday morning. No trace of the fleeing residents was found even after 20 hours had elapsed till 12 midnight.
The name of the safe home is 'Safe accommodation for women and children and adolescents'. The safe home, run by the Department of Social Services, is located at the western end of Suhrawardy Lake in the Tepakhola area of Faridpur city.
According to Safe Home sources, there were 72 residents till last Thursday. Four of them broke the grill on Friday morning and fled to the top of the wall. Ansar members in charge of security at the time were asleep.
The fugitives are Sonali Akhter (21) from Rajbari court, Alisa (20) from Goalanda in Rajbari, Maina (18) from Gopalganj and Asiya (17) from Shariatpur. They are all referred to as vagrants. He was detained by the police in the district and upazila and was in the safe home through the court.
Alyssa has been among them since 2015. The rest were there for three or four years. The court sent them to a safe home as they did not have a legal guardian.
Rumana Akhter, deputy caretaker of Safe Home, said a general diary (GD) has been kept at Faridpur Kotwali police station in this regard. They are working along with the police to find them.
Ali Ahsan, deputy director of the Faridpur social services department, said the safe home did not have a 18-foot-high boundary wall and a thick grill like a prison. The grill was narrow and the boundary wall was six feet high. However, this is the first case of a resident fleeing from Faridpur Safe Home.
Faridpur Kotwali Police Officer-in-Charge (OC) Morshed Alam said police had visited the spot. A search is underway in different areas to rescue the fleeing residents.